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Scouts BSA is all about bringing good people together to do great things for the community.
Memorial Day

2019 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Hartford Vietnam Veterans Memorial. On Memorial Day 1989 Boy Scout Troop 105 held their dedication ceremony of this monument. Each year Troop 105 returns to the monument to honor all who served from every town, every war and every service and to remember the forty Hartford citizens who never returned from the Vietnam War. Many of these years this was the only formal ceremony honoring our veterans in the City of Hartford.

I’m happy my son has taken part of the boy scouts, and troop 105 really lives up to its claim

I am deeply appreciative to have had my son go through troop 105’s scouting program. Highly recommend other parents to get their kids into this!

Being in the Boy Scouts, especially Troop 105, helped me develop the leadership skills I needed to be the entrepreneur I am today, thank you 1-0-5!